Electric Switch Gear Heaters


Typical Applications

Glenn Electric Switchgear Space Heaters are designed to maintain ambient temperatures inside electrical and mechanical equipment enclosures. They conveniently replace strip heaters or other less efficient heating devices.

Standard Features


Switchgear space heaters can be mounted to equipment cabinets utilizing the perforated Holes. Terminals have #8-32 screw tabs for convenient electrical connections.

Standard Electrical Ratings
Therm-Coil Drawing
Model Number Watts Volts
393K-1000-001 SGH-101 100 125
393K-1000-002 SGH-104 100 250
393K-1000-003 SGH-251 250 120
393K-1000-004 SGH-254 250 250
393K-1000-005 SGH-351 350 125
393K-1000-006 SGH-354 350 250
393K-1000-007 SGH-371 375 125
393K-1000-008 SGH-374 375 250
Thermostat Kit
337T-1272-001 SGHTK-5338-001 Opens 53°F - Close 38°F