Replacement of present equipment.

  1. Wattage, Voltage, Phase
  2. Type of mounting & size
    Example: Flange
    Screw Plug
  3. Sheath Material: Alloy, Steel or Copper.
  4. Material of flange or screw plug.
  5. Immersion Length.
  6. Shape of present unit.
  7. Terminal shape & size.
  8. Manufacture-model number.
  9. Material being heated

New application.

  1. Type, weight & volume of material or liquid being heated.
  2. Thermal property and known additives.
  3. Desired Temperature
  4. Allowable heat up time.
  5. Physical size of container (including type of material).
  6. Exposed surface of both material and container.
  7. Type and amount of insulation.
  8. Amount of material being processed to determine heat absorbsion.
  9. Make up material adder per hour.
  10. Time required for operating cycles.
  11. Available Voltage & Phase.
  12. Type of mounting & size
    • Flange & size of
    • Screw Plug & size of

Not all the above list apply to all applications. Please apply the appropriate information to fit your needs. With the above information you can now apply the necessary equation to determine:

  1. Wattage required for initial heat up.
  2. Wattage to maintain operating temperature.

To confirm your findings please consult your local sales office with your information.

A. Wattage required for initial heat up.

Equation I Weight of
X Specific
X Temp. Difference
(See Step One)
= KW


Equation II Weight of Material
added per hour
X Heat of Fusion
or Vaporization
= KW


Equation III I + II = KW Required
for initial heat up.

Hrs. Allowed
for heat up.

Equation IV Exposed surface area
in sq. ft.
X Watts lost per sq. ft.
at final temperature
use graphs 1-5


Equation V III + IV = KW Total required for heat up
and to maintain tank.